Natforce Salary & Levels in Nigeria

Human trafficking has emerged as a critical problem in Nigeria; however, a paramilitary force known as Nat has taken the duty of combating human smuggling, sex slavery, drug smuggling, and massive illegal arms movements. Natforce is a pillar of security for the sovereignty of Nigeria, plus a partner of the military forces. It is organized according to the structural system of the military of Nigeria and ranks its officers as armed force employees.

Organization Name:National Task Force (Natforce)
Monthly Salary Range:₦487000 – ₦1112000
Average Monthly Salary:₦799500
Organization Description:The Natforce officer is responsible for enforcing the law and regulating orders in the region. It deals with human trafficking, illegal arms dealing, illegal weapon use, and cracking down against smugglers.
Minimum Qualification:The minimum qualification required for recruitment in Natforce is a B.Sc/HND from an accredited and recognized university.

Therefore, a Natforce officer has power, rank, and a high salary. They also receive allowance insurance and bounces from the controlling body. The salaries of Natforce are divided according to ranking and power; come with me to understand how the salary works in Natforce and who receives the highest salary.

Overview National Task Force Salaries

National Task Force is responsible for investigating cases related to human trafficking; it deals with illegal arms deals and arrests gangs or groups that are providing arms to terrorists. It also works with other forces to enhance the security of Nigeria, such as national border patrolling, collaborating with police, and engaging in legal activities with other forces.

The salary is divided according to rank and power in the agency. There are different levels, such as level 1 receives the lowest salary, and level 16 receives the highest salary. The average salary is ₦799,500, and the median salary is ₦741,000, according to a newly published report regarding salaries in Nigeria.

Natforce Salaries Structure

As I have mentioned, the agency has a sophisticated structure to handle the power and prevent power abuse. The organized ranking also helps the agency to function as the officers are easy to understand their responsibilities. Furthermore, the level discriminates against the authorities and increases the responsibility of an officer; here are the ranks and their salaries.

LevelPositionRankYearly Salary
Level 3Assistant CadreAC₦448,000 – ₦487,000
Level 6Assistant Inspectorate CadreAIC₦498,000 – ₦510,000
Level 7Inspectorate CadreIC₦550,000 – ₦590,000
Level 8Assistant Superintendent Cadre IIASC II₦612,000 – ₦617,000
Level 9Assistant Superintendent Cadre IASC I₦622,000 – ₦670,000
Level 10Deputy Superintendent Cadre IIDSC II₦692,000 – ₦725,000
Level 11Superintendent Cadre IISC II₦741,000 – ₦794,000
Level 12Chief Superintendent Cadre IICSC II₦796,000 – ₦802,000
Level 13Assistant CommanderAC₦813,000 – ₦846,000
Level 14Deputy CommanderDC₦877,000 – ₦899,000
Level 15Chief CommanderChief. Cmd₦909,000 – ₦1,012,000
Level 16Assistant Commandant GeneralACG₦1,076,000 – ₦1,112,000

Responsibilities of A Natforce Officer

Nat is a paramilitary force that enforces the law and regulates order in the region with the help of legal support. It deals with a list of problems in which human trafficking, drug smuggling, and illegal arms dealings are major. However, the job responsibility of a Natforce officer depends upon different factors; see below.

  • Investigation: The first aim of a Natforce officer is to investigate the problem. For example, if an officer is working on drug dealers, he should investigate the giants in the gang, the complexity, and the relation of the particular case with influential people.
  • Gather Evidence: Then he should gather all the evidence honestly, which is against and in favor of the particular group of people.
  • Present To Court: No Natforce officer can punish any criminal on the basis of evidence, for this court hears the case and gives orders according to the evidence which a Natforce officer provides to the court.
  • Enforce Government Policy: Another purpose of the Natforce officer is to implement government policies on the general public and sincerely perform duties.

Natforce focuses on law regulation in Nigeria, but it is a paramilitary force. A private body heads the force, but it works under the government’s laws and cooperates with Nigeria’s military. The workers in the force are obligated to the law of Nigeria and receive a salary from the head body; the salary structure is based on the military of Nigeria, and salaries are divided according to the ranking system in the agency.

Article Modified on January 30, 2025. The data in this article is written and collected by multiple authors. Learn how we research on About Us.